Document structure - Installation standards, electricity/instruments
The aim of this report is to suggest how in-house construction standards for the fields of electricity and instruments/control can be made up in a structured and properly arranged manner by combining SSG standards and in-house standards. It is suggested that this model may also form the basis for other areas of technology, e.g. mechanical engineering, pipes, etc.
It is also one of the principal intentions of the structural arrangement outlined below to make it quicker and easier for the technical specifications relating only to the special purpose concerned to be extracted from the total documentation.
SSG4902E Aktuell utgåva
2 Publicerad
2003-06-01 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, I Teknikgrupper
E3:5 - Dokumentation, I3:3 - Dokumentation
Rapport Pris
750 kr
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4902E_2_v2.pdf | Huvuddokument | 750 kr |
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