Belt guards
This standard is intended to provide advice and guidance for the development of belt guards with a focus on personal safety and accessibility for maintenance. The standard describes criteria to be considered by the Project managers, designers, installation managers and suppliers with respect to the best possible function. The advice applies to the design of belt guards as a function supported by directives in machine safety. Furthermore, some instructions for placement, design and size, inspectability and attachment are provided. All belt guards, however, are application-dependent and must be designed separately. This standard applies to both new designs and conversion of existing machinery.
SSG3357E Aktuell utgåva
5 Publicerad
2019-09-19 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
M Teknikgrupper
M3 - Kedjor, remmar, remskydd, kopplingsskydd
Standard Pris
540 kr
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3357E_5.pdf | Huvuddokument | 540 kr |
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