PED – piping class EAS__A. Pipelines for ISO dimension series, material 1.4432/1.4404, z = 0,7
This standard provides recommendations on pipe components with ISO dimensions, pressure classes PN3, PN10, PN16, PN25 and PN40.
The standard is a merger of the previous standards SSG 7845E, SSG 7846E, SSG 7847E, SSG 7848E and SSG 7849E.
PN3 applies to simpler piping systems with simpler pressures and loads, for example degassing. Additional loads are calculated on a case-by-case basis. The dimensioning criterion is max. calculation pressure 3 bar at a temperature of 100°C. The pressure class PN3 is only intended for pipelines belonging to Section 8 of [AFS 2016:1] according to PED 2014/68/EU.
The standard follows the values for maximum permissible pressures (Pc) and temperatures (Tc) for each pressure class according to the European Harmonised Flange Standard and the materials listed therein.
This standard for piping class has been verified and approved by notified body (AO) 0409 Kiwa Inspecta AB, certificate no. 20-1013779-100.
The Pressure Equipment Directive – PED, was adopted by the European Parliament in May 2014. The Swedish Work Environment Authority implemented the EU Directive in Sweden on 19 July 2016 in accordance with the regulation [AFS 2016:1].
This standard may also be applied to other materials that have equal or higher strength values. If a material with lower strength values is selected, the components can NOT be used according to the standard.
SSG7845E Aktuell utgåva
3 Publicerad
2024-04-29 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
R, RR Teknikgrupper
R5:1 - Rör, rördelar, flänsar, flänspackningar, skruvar, muttrar, brickor
Standard Pris
4080 kr
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7845E_3.pdf | Huvuddokument | 4080 kr |
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