Piping – recommendations for the selection, classification and inspection of materials and components
This standard is intended for use as support for the creation of pipe systems. In the event of ambiguities, Swedish Work Environment Authority Documents [AFS 2016:1 and AFS 2017:3] apply. Recommendations for the choice of materials in pipe systems and associated Components and their classification and inspection, are provided in the appendices based on the fluid codes and fluid data. For a summary of SSG PED pipe classes, see SSG 7829E.
In addition to the standard, there is an editable appendix that makes it possible to manage local plant-specific fluid codes. If necessary, the appendix can also be used to give SSG comments for future revisions of this standard. Then send the appendix to
Below, a poster is now available, which is based on AFS 2016:1, AFS 2017:3 and the CLP regulation, which ECHA has developed for classification, labeling and precautionary statements of chemical products. For printing, it is suitable to print in A2 format.
SSG7650E Aktuell utgåva
6 Publicerad
2021-12-01 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
R Teknikgrupper
R4 - Material och komponenter i rörsystem och pumpar
Standard Pris
2700 kr
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Förhandsgranska dokumentet SSG7650E.
Verifiera dina uppgifter
7650E_6.pdf | Huvuddokument | 2700 kr | |
7650EBX_6.docx | Redigerbar bilaga | 750 kr | |
Poster.pdf | Bilaga | 750 kr |
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