- Ersätter SSG1355(E)
Centrifugal pumps – recommendations for the selection of materials and shaft seal arrangements
This standard provides recommendations for the selection of materials in centrifugal pumps, selection of shaft sealing arrangements and selection of materials in seals. These recommendations are applicable to centrifugal pumps of the conventional type with shaft seals. The materials element in these recommendations is also applicable to pumps without glands.
The recommendations are intended to show material combinations for a number of media based on practical experience at process facilities. A supplier shall take the recommendations into account but it does not deter from the supplier's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the recommendations. All desired deviations from the recommendations in the appendices shall be addressed in dialogue between the purchaser and the supplier.
The minimum requirements for the implementation of centrifugal pumps class II.
The shaft seal recommendations are not specific to centrifugal pumps but can be applied in other contexts as well, e.g. for agitators, mixers, filters, etc.
SSG7355E Aktuell utgåva
3 Publicerad
2021-06-18 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
M, MT, R Teknikgrupper
M9 - Pumpar, Axeltätningar, R4 - Material och komponenter i rörsystem och pumpar
Standard Pris
1460 kr
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