- Ersätter SSG6914E
Attachments to concrete structures
This guide shows how to place and install mechanical and chemical
fasteners into concrete structures in order to maintain the loadbearing
capacity of the concrete structure. The guide is designed for
installation technicians and for the designers and constructors of
piping systems, facilities and electrical systems. The guide also
provides instructions for how the structural engineer, during the
design engineering process, can facilitate future attachments by
making drawings of drill zones. Chapter 6 is particularly relevant to
structural engineers.
The guide covers attachments for items that can be mounted using
a hand-held drill with a maximum hole diameter of 20 millimetres.
Holes with a larger diameter may require consulting the relevant
drawings and/or the person who leads and coordinates ongoing
work. The guide does not cover through-hole drilling.
The guide includes, among other things, the choice of fastener,
guidelines for placement of the attachment, including sample
drawings of typical drill zones, and a checklist that can be used during
the installation process.
All dimensions in this guide and its appendices are theoretical and do
not universally apply. For secure installation every time, always take
the project-specific prerequisites into account.
SSG6580E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2025-02-13 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B Teknikgrupper
BE Platsgjutna betongkonstruktioner, BX Stomkompletteringar m.m. av sakvaror
Standard Pris
1760 kr
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Förhandsgranska dokumentet SSG6580E.
Verifiera dina uppgifter
6580E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1760 kr | |
6580E_1_B1_Checklist for the mounting of attachments.docx | Redigerbar bilaga | 750 kr |
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