- Ersatt av SSG6553E
Removable balustrade for floor structure. Tubing
This issue differs from the earlier issue by being adapted to the New Construction Rules of the National Swedish Board of Housing, Building and Planning.
The recommendations embraces removable balustrades for floor structures in industrial buildings.
The form 'TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION - Balustrades' is enclosed as supplement to this document. The form will be used for specification of material and detailed design.
Designation. Requirements. Dimensions. Protection hight. Foot or kicking plate. Design manufacture.
SSG5553E Aktuell utgåva
5 Publicerad
Värde saknas Granskad
Indragen Teknikområden
B, M Teknikgrupper
BH Stångkonstruktioner, BX Stomkompletteringar m.m. av sakvaror, M11 - Övrigt
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