- Ersätter SSG5401E
Instrument installation manual
SSG 5418E is a guide for purchasers, suppliers and executors of instrument installations.
The guide is used as a support for projects where SSG's installation principles are used and provides a common view of the scope of delivery as well as roles and responsibilities in the different phases of the project. The guide can also support preliminary studies and ordering to specify the correct materials, and also provide examples of common installation faults and how they can be avoided.
SSG 5418E provides an overview of SSG's installation principles and describes how they are intended to be used. The guide also shows examples of installations that have been carried out according to these principles.
SSG 5418E replaces SSG 5401E — Instrument installation. Overview.
SSG5418E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2022-06-28 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, I Teknikgrupper
I7:1 - Montageöversikt, I7:10 - Processanslutningar
Guide Pris
750 kr
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5418E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 750 kr |
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