Function based identification system for processes and plants
The primary object of this SSG document is to give the industry examples of a function based identification system for processes and plants which is suitable for all areas of technology (professional categories).
This identification system may be applied for identifications relating to functions of process, plant and administrative character, e.g. cost control. The system is strictly function oriented and is based on the functions, sections and objects laid down for the factory unit in a structure presented in the Master List.
SSG5275E Aktuell utgåva
2 Publicerad
2015-03-06 Granskad
SSG5275E Aktuell utgåva
2 Publicerad
2015-03-06 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, E, I, M, R, U Teknikgrupper
BX Stomkompletteringar m.m. av sakvaror, E3:8 - Symboler - Funktionsbaserat ID-system, m.m., I3:6 - Symboler-Funktionsbaserat ID-system, m.m., M11 - Övrigt, R3 - Kodifiering, märkning och symboler
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, E, I, M, R, U Teknikgrupper
BX Stomkompletteringar m.m. av sakvaror, E3:8 - Symboler - Funktionsbaserat ID-system, m.m., I3:6 - Symboler-Funktionsbaserat ID-system, m.m., M11 - Övrigt, R3 - Kodifiering, märkning och symboler
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3670 kr
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3670 kr
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