Graphic symbols for process flow diagrams
Supersedes earlier edition by SSG 5270(E). This recommendation sets out symbols whose purpose is to inform the user as to what process event is referred to at a certain process position, i.e. pumping, screening, grinding, heat exchange, storage, etc.
Simplified symbols (of the block diagram symbol type) for process flow diagrams are given in the document SSG 5269E.
Codes and symbols for measurement and control functions in process flow diagrams are given in SSG 5276E.
With regard to identification systems and process codes, see SSG 5275E.
The general principles of process image construction are given in SSG 5262E.
(This document puts forward proposals for symbols to be used in conjunction
with graphic image construction).
SSG5270E Aktuell utgåva
5 Publicerad
2007-05-31 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
C, E, I, R Teknikgrupper
E3:8 - Symboler - Funktionsbaserat ID-system, m.m., CAD-p - CAD-pärm, I3:6 - Symboler-Funktionsbaserat ID-system, m.m., R3 - Kodifiering, märkning och symboler
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1220 kr
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