Control room check list
European edition. The control room check list has been devised for use in conjunction with the planning of buildings and modifications to buildings where equipment such as computer monitors, keyboards and industrial TV will be installed.
The check list can also be used to provide assistance in establishing a specification of requirements for tenders. It enables ergonomic requirements to be incorporated at an early stage of the project, and it facilitates cooperation between different categories of personnel concerned.
SSG5260E Aktuell utgåva
4 Publicerad
2010-06-22 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, I Teknikgrupper
E3:2 - Bilduppbyggnad, Larm-Varning, m.m., I3:4 - Bilduppbyggnad, Larm-Varning, m.m.
Standard Pris
750 kr
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5260E_4.pdf | Huvuddokument | 750 kr | |
5260EB1_4.doc | Bilaga |
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