Earthing and screening of electronic equipment
Supersedes earlier edition by SSG 5150E.
These recommendations set out guidelines for planning and implementation of interference-proof installations for electronic equipment. In order to ensure high operational reliability and as high immunity to interference as possible in plants and systems, etc. incorporating electronic control system equipment, it is necessary to follow certain standards/ rules.
In this context, the choice of interference-insensitive apparatus, together with the detailed design of earthing, screening, cable routing arrangements, etc., are of considerable importance.
Suitable measures that can be applied for this purpose are described in the following clauses. The approved examples constitute appendices to these recommendations.
SSG5150E Aktuell utgåva
5 Publicerad
2007-05-31 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, I Teknikgrupper
E3:9 - Montage- och jordningsanvisningar, EMC och CE-märkning, I3:1 - Jordning och skärmning, EMC och CE-märkning
Standard Pris
1460 kr
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