Economical cable design - Calculation instruction
The aim of the Working Group is that these instructions should give the user a simple aid for calculation and the selection of an economical cable area. The choice of cable area for a specific operational state is not determined exclusively by the current carrying capacity and method of construction of the cable in accordance with
SS 424 14 24 Swedish Standard; economic valuation must also be given serious consideration. Reference is made here to an economical cable area" which means that, apart from the price of the cable and the cost of installation, its losses are also evaluated and included in the comparative cost.
SSG4904E Aktuell utgåva
2 Publicerad
2009-06-03 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E Teknikgrupper
E2:2 - Kablar och anvisningar inom kabelområdet
Rapport Pris
750 kr
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