Intelligent information and functional equipments for motor starters etc.
European edition. In its original form, the report was produced with the primary intention of influencing developments and imposing requirements in the above area. It is now the turn of the next stage, which is integration into process control systems and central information systems. What is most characteristic is that systems still "operate" in their own worlds or that their communication is defective. Certain suppliers have however adopted open and established protocols which has also produced greater response.
The aim of our work is to make manufacturers and suppliers understand that maintenance can produce very large advantages if on-line information is of the quality required.
SSG4901E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2003-11-01 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, I Teknikgrupper
E3:7 - Elektroniska system - Intelligenta informations- och funtionsutrustningar, I3:5 - Elektroniska system - Intelligenta informations- och funktionsutrustningar
Rapport Pris
540 kr
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