Earthing and potential equalizations system. Recommendations for planning and design
In order to ensure a high degree of personal and operational safety in industrial electrical installations it is necessary to comply with certain rules in connection with the planning and implementation of earthing systems. Undesired potential differences between different parts of the installation and/or a reference potential can, for example, lead to functional disturbances, damage to the installation or give rise to personal danger.These instructions (SSG 4525E with Appendices) deal mainly with the practical handling of the earthing system, but also a number of other aspects are included so that the requirements of regulations and standards are met.
SSG4525E Aktuell utgåva
5 Publicerad
2009-01-15 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, E Teknikgrupper
BÖ Övrigt, E3:9 - Montage- och jordningsanvisningar, EMC och CE-märkning
Standard Pris
1460 kr
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4525E_5.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1460 kr |
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