Handbook for a person responsible for an electrical installation
SSG 4502E is a standard aimed at a person responsible for an electrical installation in industrial environment. The standard provides an in-depth description of electrical installation responsibility and should be seen as a handbook for anyone appointed as a person responsible for an electrical installation at a company.
The requirements for holders of a high-voltage installation are set out in the Electrical Safety Act (SFS 2016:732) and in the National Electrical Safety Board's regulations ELSÄK-FS 2022:1–3.
SSG 4501 – “Systematiskt elsäkerhetsarbete – företagets elansvar” (Swedish), interprets and meets applicable laws and regulations. SSG 4502E contains practical industry-related advice and complies with SSG 4501. It is also harmonised with other industry guidelines in terms of definitions.
As a complement to SSG 4501 and 4502E there is also an interactive tool: SSG Compliance tool. You can see how SSG 4502E relates to SSG Compliance tool in section 6 – ”Link to SSG Compliance tool”
SSG4502E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2023-06-16 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, ES Teknikgrupper
Standard Pris
1760 kr
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4502E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1760 kr |
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