DC systems for relay protection, control and indication – recommendations for engineering
This instruction provides guidelines for planning and construction of DC systems for help with power supply for manoeuvre, indication and relay protection systems.
The recommendations can serve as support in Connection with, for example, design, for inquiries and purchases of DC systems. In the first place, the design of new plants is intended, but the intention is also for the recommendations to provide guidance for existing facilities in planning measures aimed at improving safety through the improvement of reserve capacity and maintenance.
For recommendations concerning the operation and maintenance of DC systems, refer to SSG 4112E.
SSG4111E Aktuell utgåva
9 Publicerad
2019-12-19 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E Teknikgrupper
E3:1 - Kraftförsörjning och distribution
Standard Pris
940 kr
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