Heating, ventilation and sanitation systems: Industrial grooved piping systems
The purpose of this standard is to enable purchasers, designers, constructors and technicians to select the right type of coupling system for their installation. The standard deals with requirement specification and selection of coupling systems suitable for grooved piping systems.
Grooved pipes and pipe couplings are used as an effective alternative to reduce installation time, avoid X-ray/ultrasonic inspection of joints, save time on maintenance work, and eliminate the risks associated with hot work.
The requirement specification in this standard is primarily intended for HVAC installations, as well as sanitary, compressed air, and sprinkler systems, but the coupling systems can be used for most piping systems (depending on pressure, temperature and media), as well as for vacuum applications. The technical information for piping systems mentioned in this standard is limited to pipes made of metallic materials. Plastic piping systems are not covered by this standard.
SSG3710E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2024-11-22 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, M, V Teknikgrupper
A2 -SSG-standard, allmän teknik, BI Rörledningar m m, M11 - Övrigt, M7 - Ventilation, R4 - Material och komponenter i rörsystem och pumpar, R5:1 - Rör, rördelar, flänsar, flänspackningar, skruvar, muttrar, brickor
Standard Pris
1760 kr
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3710E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1760 kr |
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