Heating, ventilation and sanitation systems: Project planning conditions for process premises
SSG 3704E provides guidelines for planning, projecting and execution of air conditioning installations, cooling systems and heating systems for process premises.
Process premises are complex ventilation technical spaces with a number of variables to take into account. Each process room carries its own conditions and it is not possible to apply the same ventilation solution for similar machine and room types without investigation. The guidelines in this standard are therefore set to the most basic information required to start designing ventilation in process premises.
SSG3704E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2022-06-29 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, E, M, V Teknikgrupper
E3:3 - Miljö - och byggnadstekniska anvisningar, I3:9 - Miljö- och byggnadstekniska anvisningar, M7 - Ventilation
Standard Pris
540 kr
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3704E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 540 kr |
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