Heating, ventilation and sanitation systems: Project planning conditions for electrical operations rooms
SSG 3703E provide guidelines for planning, projecting and execution of air conditioning installations and cooling systems for electrical operations rooms where high purity is required for protection against corrosive gases.
Electrical-technical components' ever increasing spread within new areas of application has meant that such equipment, to an increasing degree, is exposed in environments where the risk for atmospheric corrosion is obvious. In many plants the untreated air frequently comprises of dust and corrosive gasses. In addition there are varying temperatures and humidity. It is therefore of great importance that the values of these parameters
are kept within established limits.
When designing air treatment installations in accordance with these instructions, the physical lifecycle of the concerned sensitive electricaltechnical equipment ought to be optimal.
SSG3703E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2022-06-29 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, E, M, V Teknikgrupper
E3:3 - Miljö - och byggnadstekniska anvisningar, I3:9 - Miljö- och byggnadstekniska anvisningar, M7 - Ventilation
Standard Pris
940 kr
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3703E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 940 kr |
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