- Ersätter SSG7500E
Flat gaskets – recommendations for the selection of material and handling
This standard includes general recommendations for the selection of gasket material, a description of the most common types of gaskets, handling gaskets and recommendations for making flanged connections.
The temperature and pressure recommendations are set according to restrictive assessments where the limits favour continuous operating conditions. The gasket supplier must always be contacted when in doubt or for use outside the suggested temperature and pressure limits.
Recommendations for gasket materials for different fluids can be found in SSG 7650E – “Piping – recommendations for the selection, classification and inspection of materials and components”.
SSG3280E Aktuell utgåva
5 Publicerad
2025-02-27 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
M, MT, R, RR Teknikgrupper
M8 - Packningar, R5:1 - Rör, rördelar, flänsar, flänspackningar, skruvar, muttrar, brickor
Standard Pris
940 kr
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3280E_5.pdf | Huvuddokument | 940 kr |
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