- Ersätter SSG3270E
Shaft seals – functional procurement
This standard is intended for application when procuring shaft seals. The purpose is to clarify requirements that are placed on the purchaser and the supplier in order to achieve reliable function. The standard is intended to assist purchasers and direct suppliers of seals and can be regarded as a support for handling spare parts or modifications.
The customer goes through the various parameters presented in the standard and specifies the desired sealing function. It is then up to the supplier to present the best solution with one or more types of seal. The supplier must also report the total cost for the seals' operating time.
SSG3271E Aktuell utgåva
2 Publicerad
2022-10-25 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
M, MT Teknikgrupper
M8 - Packningar, M9 - Pumpar, Axeltätningar
Standard Pris
1460 kr
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3271E_2.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1460 kr |
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