Sound levels for work sites and plants surroundings - procurement of machinery and equipment
During new-, rebuilding or extending machines, equipment and premises noise issues must be considered. The documents gives recommendations for internal noise levels and guidelines for procurement procedures with noise requirements for machinery and equipment in relation to the internal and external environment. The document gives the limit of the noise level which should be achieved to satisfy the reasonable requirements regarding preventing damage to hearing, reduce the risk of accidents and allow spoken communication in the workplace. This document, only covers vibration where it causes audible sound (structural sound) in the work place. An example is structural sound in the operations room. Detected vibration which affects the
human body is covered by appendix 3.
SSG3035E Aktuell utgåva
3 Publicerad
2016-09-21 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
B, E, I, M Teknikgrupper
BÖ Övrigt, E3:11 - Övrigt, I3:11 - Övrigt / Tekniska meddelanden, M11 - Övrigt
Standard Pris
1760 kr
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3035E_3.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1760 kr | |
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3035EB2_3.docx | Bilaga | 750 kr |
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