Guideline – Protective functions with safety-critical instrumentation
This standard is intended for use as a basic guide for work on process and machine safety and for protective functions with safety-critical instrumentation. It aims to provide an insight into the requirements in respect of working methods and documentation, for example, in order to pass on information to all concerned. Two types of project are covered; purchasing of new equipment including safety equipment, and purchasing of new equipment with separate safety equipment. A checklist is provided as an annex which can be used in procurement of safety functions. The target group mainly includes management teams, project managers, process engineers and purchasers, but it also includes anyone working with electrics and instrumentation. The standard should also be able to facilitate communication with suppliers. It is not an instruction for the design of safety functions.
SSG2242E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2013-03-04 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
E, I, S Teknikgrupper
Standard Pris
1460 kr
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2242E_1.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1460 kr | |
2242EB1_1.docx | Bilaga | 750 kr |
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