Safe painting – requirements for training and medical examinations
This guide provides the employer with guidance and an overview of the requirements for special training and medical examinations that apply to staff who work with hazardous chemical products while painting.
There are several regulations that make requirements and it is at present a challenge for industrial plants to ensure that executors have the correct training for working with hazardous chemical products and that they have undergone the correct type of medical examination before starting work, especially if the executors come from other countries with different requirements.
This guide clarifies the responsibilities of the different roles and the requirements that need to be met. Please note that this guide does not replace the regulations but is a help in their interpretation.
SSG2130E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2023-10-10 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
S, Y Teknikgrupper
Guide Pris
750 kr
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