Simplified LCC/LCP calculation
International version. Choice of currency is set by the user.
The standard contains two calculation files. One for calculation and the other for collecting data from the Supplier.
The Supplier form is provided freely to download as an Appendix.
The formula is intended to calculate the most appropriate investment based on a lifecycle perspective where total cost, profit and environmental aspects are taken into consideration. Up to five comparisons on similar objects/units can be made. The calculation is limited to equipment that can be individually described and taken into account. For example, comparing pumps or forklifts or separate process sections against each other.
The results can be supported by budget support, for example, to demonstrate maintenance costs over time.
SSG2015E Aktuell utgåva
1 Publicerad
2019-06-18 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
U Teknikgrupper
A4 - Allmänna leveransbestämmelser, M10 - Kontrollblanketter, Tekniska specifikationer
Standard Pris
2700 kr
Ansvarig kommitté
Verifiera dina uppgifter
2015E_1.xlsx | Huvuddokument | 2700 kr | |
2015EB1_1.xlsx | Redigerbar bilaga |
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