Design and procurement of protective paint system – general regulations
This standard provides instructions regarding design and procurement of surface protection by means of painting, according to SSG’s surface protection standard.
The standard applies to surface protection in the processing industry, but can be used in all types of industries with similar environment.
The standard is used as a basis for design and procurement and the purpose is to, at an early stage, clarify requirements and preconditions in order to avoid that painting projects are executed incorrectly, with large costs as consequence.
SSG1000E Aktuell utgåva
14 Publicerad
2024-01-12 Granskad
Aktuell Teknikområden
Y Teknikgrupper
BP Puts, målning, skyddsbeläggningar m m, Y4 Upphandling av ytskyddsbehandling genom målning
Standard Pris
1760 kr
Ansvarig kommitté
Förhandsgranska dokumentet SSG1000E.
Verifiera dina uppgifter
1000E_14.pdf | Huvuddokument | 1760 kr | |
1000EB1_14.docx | Redigerbar bilaga | 750 kr |
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